
Luminaria Artist Foundation Grants for Bexar County Artists

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Activated: 01/12/2021
Deadline: 03/03/2021
Call Summary
The Luminaria Artist Foundation is offering awards to individual, professional artists residing in Bexar County, Texas, for the creation of new, original work. The awards are given in recognition of artistic achievement and dedication to an artistic discipline. Funded projects are to be completed by the end of the grant period. Prior to receiving award funds, artists must sign a contract with the Foundation that specifies certain responsibilities. These responsibilities are intended to ensure that the award funds will be used in a manner that reflects the charitable purposes of the Foundation.

The Luminaria Artist Foundation is charged a fee for every application that is opened regardless if the applicant submits their application or not. If you are able, we are requesting a $10 application fee for those of you who can afford it. Please click on the link to donate $10 or more to help alleviate this additional charge. Thank you!
The link to donate can be found here:
Budget Description
The Luminaria Artist Foundation will grant up to $10,000 awards for individual artistic projects in:

Literary Arts
Including, but not limited to, fiction, creative non-fiction, playwriting, screenwriting, poetry.

Visual Arts
Including , but not limited to, painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking, installation, photography, collage, performance art, static digital art, public art, film & video (narrative, documentary, experimental, or artistic), time-based digital art, theatrical set, costume design.

Performing Arts
Including, but not limited to, musical composition, choreography, theatrical production, musical performance, acting, singing, dancing, spoken word.
Project Description
Individual, professional artists may apply for an award up to $10,000 to help underwrite the costs of creating new, original works of exceptional quality. The Foundation makes awards for a specific project to originators/creators of art and artistic production. The Foundation does not normally make awards to artists solely for performance (dancer, musician, actor, etc.) unless it is in the context of an original project. This distinction should be carefully noted before undertaking the work entailed in applying for an award.
Only one application per individual may be submitted during each grant cycle.

Eligibility Requirements:

• Foundation awards are open to individual, professional artists who create original work.

• All artists must have a valid U.S. taxpayer identification number (SSN, EIN, or ITIN).

• All applicants must be residents of Bexar County, Texas, for 6 consecutive months as of the date of application.

• If awarded, applicant must maintain permanent residency in Bexar County during the grant period.

• Artists who are proposing projects must demonstrate one or more of the following characteristics:

- a potential for artistic growth and experimentation;

- a significant shift in their work;

- challenging and innovative exploration with new materials, concepts, or creative practices and processes; and/or

- high artistic quality.

• All applicants must be 18 years old as of the date of application.

• Applicants must have exhibited, performed, presented, and/or published artistic work in a public context in the past three years.

Individuals are considered professional artists if they:

• earn at least part of their annual income in their artistic disciplines;

• consider their artistic endeavors a career; and

• make a significant time investment in their artistic disciplines through practice, performance, and production.

Ineligible Persons:

• Members of the Board of Directors (current or having served within the previous 12 months).

• Members of a judging panel during the current grant cycle.

• Substantial contributors to the Foundation.

• Employees or Consultants of the Foundation.

• Substantial independent contractors of the Foundation.

• Family members of the above five named categories of Ineligible Persons.

•Previous Foundation award recipients may not reapply for two grant cycles and must have submitted their final grant reports to the Artist Foundation of San Antonio or the Luminaria Artist Foundation to be eligible.

• Any person not residing within Bexar County, Texas, for a minimum of 6 consecutive months.

• Groups of individual artists.

• Full-time students or soon-to-be students.

• Artists whose work is primarily commercial, decorative, or craftwork in nature.

• Persons under 18 years of age.

• Artists who have not exhibited, performed, presented, and/or published artistic work in a public context in the past three years.

• Persons who do not have a valid U.S. taxpayer identification number (SSN, EIN, ITIN).

What Is Not Funded:

The Foundation does not make grants to pay for:

• academic research or to fund study toward an academic professional degree;

• past debts or legal fees;

• the purchase of real estate;

• moves to other cities;

• the costs of installations, commissions, or projects fully funded by others; or

• artist's travel, unless such travel is integral to the application project.

Application Requirements
Resume: 2 page(s) maximum
Work examples: 1 - 10
Artists are NOT allowed to apply in teams.
Additional Requirements
Artistic Discipline
Budget Proposal Document Upload
Headshot Image/Video Upload
Project Proposal Document Upload
Projected Completion Text
Social Media & Website Text
What City Council District Do You Live In?
What Is Your Age?
What Is Your Gender?
What Is Your Race/Ethnicity? (Please check all that apply.)
Selection Information
Selection Process
Artists are selected by a panel of regional and national arts experts. Applicants are evaluated primarily on the artistic excellence of the submitted samples, such as:
• the originality and vision of the artist's work;
• technical skill/mastery of the artistic discipline as evidenced by the artist's work samples;
• the technique or process used to create the work; and
• professional background of the artist and evidence of continuing commitment to their artistic process, as evidenced in their resume.

Conflict of Interest Policy:
The Foundation requires judges to disclose any potential conflicts of interests. If a personal relationship exists between a judge and an applicant that may compromise the ability of the judge to act as a neutral evaluator, the judge is required to leave the room during jury evaluations and abstain from voting for that applicant.
Selection Criteria
Artistic Excellence: 60%
Applicants are evaluated primarily on the artistic excellence of the submitted samples, such as:
• The originality and vision of the artist's work;
• technical skill/mastery of the artistic discipline as evidenced by the artist's work samples; and
• the technique or process used to create the work.

Project Proposal: 40%
Artists must propose a project that demonstrates one or more of these characteristics:
• a potential for artistic growth;
• a significant shift in their work;
• a challenging exploration of new and innovative materials, concepts, or artistic practices; and/or
• high artistic quality.
January 12, 2021 - Online-only award applications opened at
January 20, 2021 – Virtual Information Session (CANCELLED)
February 11, 2021 - Virtual Information Session
February 24, 2021 - Applications closed at 11:59 PM.
March 2021: Judging of applications by national arts professionals.
March 30, 2021: Applicants notified of judging results.
April 11, 2021: Grantees receive 50% of funds within 24 hours of signing contract.
April 11, 2021–March 14, 2022: Grantees produce, perform, exhibit their work.
April 27, 2021: Announcement - Official recognition of grantees.
September 12, 2021: Grantees submit an interim report detailing their project's progress, including expenditures of funds as noted in their budget. Artists receive 30% of funds upon approval of interim report.
March 14, 2022: Grantees submit a final report describing the project's impact on their career, methods used to make the project available to the public, the project's impact on the community, and detailing full expenditures of funds as noted in their budget. Artists receive remaining 20% of funds upon approval of final report.
Additional Resources
Application Instructions (PDF)
Sample Budget Form (PDF)
Budget Form (XLSX)
Contact Information
Holly Holbrook
San Antonio TX
(210) 721-1670
Submission Instructions


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