
Professional Development for San Antonio Artists, Texas

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Activated: 01/12/2021
Deadline: 03/03/2021
Call Summary
The Luminaria Artist Foundation is offering awards to individual, professional artists residing in San Antonio, Texas, for professional development. Artists can apply for up to $500 for professional development projects to be completed by the end of the grant period (March 14, 2022).
Budget Description
Artists can apply for up to $500 for professional development opportunities via, with a $5.00 application fee, January 12 – February 24, 2021.
Project Description
Types of applicable professional development could include, but are not limited to, fees for in-person or distance education opportunities, workshops, conferences, seminars, apprenticeships, training, and arts education (not applicable to college tuition); technology software that enhances professional artistic capacity; production related services, such as set design, lighting, costumes; travel; or travel related expenses.

Please include a budget request with supporting documentation, such as conference and training flyers or notices, invoices, and/or receipts for fees and travel.

Only one request can be submitted per artist. However, a request can combine more than one allowable item up to the $500 limit. For example, an artist can request $100 for one workshop, $250 for a conference, and $150 for travel expenses.
Eligibility Requirements:

• All applicants must be residents of San Antonio, Texas, for 6 consecutive months as of the date of application.
• If awarded, applicant must maintain permanent residency in San Antonio, Texas, during the award period.
• All artists must have a valid U.S. taxpayer identification number (SSN, EIN, or ITIN).
• All applicants must be 18 years old as of the date of application.
• All applications require a profile photo and resume.
• All applications require 1–2 examples of artwork uploaded in JPG, PDF, MP3, MOV, MP4, or WMV formats (100MB or less). Embedded formats, such as YouTube, Vimeo, Spotify, Soundcloud, etc., are acceptable. Please provide access instructions for private links.
• All applications require supporting documentation (flyers, notices, screenshots, receipts, invoices, contracts, communications, sales records, etc.). All supporting documentation must be combined into a single PDF.
• All applications require a detailed description of the reason for applying. Applications that include only one sentence and lack detailed descriptions will not be considered strong applications.
• All applications require answers to demographic questions to help Luminaria build its grants programming.
• All applications require a budget request.

Ineligible Persons:
• Members of the Board of Directors (current or having served within the previous 12 months).
• Members of a judging panel during the current grant cycle.
• Substantial contributors to the Foundation.
• Employees or Consultants of the Foundation.
• Substantial independent contractors of the Foundation.
• Family members of the above five named categories of Ineligible Persons.
• Any person not residing within San Antonio, Texas, for a minimum of 6 consecutive months.
• Groups of individual artists.
• Persons under 18 years of age.
• Persons who do not have a valid U.S. taxpayer identification number (SSN, EIN, ITIN).
Application Requirements
Resume: 2 page(s) maximum
Work examples: 1 - 2
Artists are NOT allowed to apply in teams.
Additional Requirements
Budget Request Text
Headshot Image/Video Upload
Reason for Application Text
Social Media & Website Text
Supporting Documentation Document Upload
What City Council District Do You Live In?
What Is Your Age?
What Is Your Gender?
What is your Race/Ethnicity? (Please check all that apply.)
Selection Information
Selection Process
• A panel of local artists and arts experts will review and make decisions by March 16, 2021.
• This fund is being managed by Luminaria, an independent arts nonprofit.
• Recipients of the Professional Development fund will be required to provide a final report and backup documentation of use of funds.
Additional Resources
Application Instructions (PDF)
Contact Information
Holly Holbrook
San Antonio Texas
(210) 721-1670
Submission Instructions


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